Агентство недвижимости, Будва, Черногория
Агентство недвижимости, Будва, Черногория

Buying a Property in Budva

Budva is one of the oldest settlements in the Adriatic. The legend of which there are proofs in many Greek myths says that Budva was founded by Cadmos, the son of Phoenician king Agenon. He was banished from Teba and he reached this territory in ox-wagon and founded Budva.

The ascent of Mediterranean cultures marked the spirit of this town which is felt even today, when Budva has become a unique tourist pearl of this part of Adriatic. As a tourist destination this town has been known for a long time - the first tourists arrived here back in 1923. Now, Budva is often called a "metropolis of tourism" because it is the most visited destination in Montenegro and one of the most visited destinations in the Adriatic. What attracts people and brings them to Budva is in the first place something that is God given, its nature, unique sunshine, sea and beaches like pearls in the bottom of mountain massifs.

The great value of Budva is its cultural and historical heritage: monuments, fossils, fortifications, monasteries and churches.

Goldagent Budva
Zanatski centar
85310 Будва, Черногория
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